Providing a personal, practical, 和相关的教育是对你未来的投资,这就是我们在威尼斯人app下载所做的. The success and satisfaction of our students, alumni, 家长们清楚地表明,我们正在履行这一承诺. 另外一些人也认同联合山教育的投资回报. 连续31年,威尼斯人app下载被评为美国顶尖大学 U.S. News & World Report. In addition, the University also has been recently cited by Forbes, Washington Monthly, and The Princeton Review’s Green Guide, in addition to garnering other national recognitions.
Rankings and Accolades
Rankings and Accolades
Best Colleges
Colleges of Distinction
Mount Union大学被评为全国杰出学院之一. 每年评选全国优秀学院的过程要求各院校坚持“四优”——参与的学生, great teaching, vibrant community, and successful outcomes. 这个过程还包括对每所学校新生的经历进行审查, general education program, strategic plan, alumni success, satisfaction measures, and more.
U.S. News and World Report
This year, U.S. News and World Report 在中西部地区大学中并列第32位, which includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Also, Mount Union大学在中西部地区大学中排名第18,在俄亥俄州排名第三. 这是Mount Union连续第33年出现在这个年度最佳学院和大学名单中.
Washington Monthly
威尼斯人app下载在全美排名第342位,在俄亥俄州排名第11位 Washington Monthly’s 2022 rankings. According to Washington Monthly's website, 这一类学校的排名基于它们对公共利益的贡献,主要分为三大类:社会流动性(招收和毕业低收入学生);, research (producing cutting-edge scholarship), 服务(鼓励学生回馈国家).
The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education
威尼斯人app下载已跻身全国高校前三名 The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings. 在入选的近1000所院校中,Mount Union跻身前50%.
Niche ranked Mount Union in the top 24% in the nation and 11th in Ohio among the Best Small Colleges. Niche还将Mount Union大学列为美国顶尖私立大学和美国最好的大学之一.
Best Colleges.comMount Union的综合研究项目在全美排名第13位.
Academic Programs
US News and World ReportMount Union has been ranked number one in Ohio for online master’s in education (M.Ed.) programs by U.S. News and World Report.
在全美最佳商学院排行榜上,Mount Union名列前24%,在俄亥俄州排名第13位.Education
利基大学在全美最佳教育学院中排名前22%,在俄亥俄州排名第13位Sport Business
Niche将Mount Union列为美国100所最佳体育管理学院之一(排名第85),在俄亥俄州排名第7.Nursing Schools Almanac
Ranked as the top nursing program in Ohio for 2022 by Nursing Schools Almanac.Bachelor's Degree Center
Mount Union的体育商业项目在俄亥俄州排名第一,在全国排名第十 Bachelor's Degree Center.
Return on Investment
Money Magazine
Mount Union被评为俄亥俄州15所拥有四星评级的大学之一, 2023年被Money杂志评为“美国最好的大学”之一.
US News and World Report
在美国新闻与世界报道的中西部地区大学中,Mount Union大学排名第18位
Washington Monthly
Mount Union was ranked in Washington Monthly’s 2022 “Best Bang for the Buck” listing in the Midwest category. According to the organization’s website, the rating was based on “net” (not sticker) price, how well institutions do graduating the students they admit, and whether those students earn enough, after graduation, to pay off their college loans.
Educate to Career
education to Career在其2020年ETC大学排名指数中对Mount Union大学进行了经济价值排名. 这一排名量化并比较了高校在改善学生就业市场表现方面的记录.
Princeton Review's Guide to Green Colleges
The University has been included in the Princeton Review's Guide to Green Colleges for seven consecutive years.
联合山在可持续发展跟踪评估中获得了银质评级 & Rating System (STARS).
Arbor Day Foundation
该大学已连续12年被植树节基金会(Arbor Day Foundation)表彰为Tree Campus USA,以表彰该机构对有效社区林业管理的承诺.
Sierra Club
在塞拉俱乐部的2021年酷学校名单中,Mount Union被评为美国最具环境可持续性的机构之一.
Learfield Sports Directors Cup
在2022-2023年利尔菲尔德体育总监杯NCAA第三赛区的决赛中,Mount Union在全国排名第20位,是OAC中排名最高的机构.
Mount Union was ranked in the top 7% in the nation and 2nd in Ohio among Best Colleges for Athletics. 该机构在全国排名前19%,在俄亥俄州最佳学生运动员学院中排名第9.
Campus Life
Greek Life
Niche ranked Mount Union 10th in Ohio among Best Greek Life Colleges.Dining Services
Niche ranked Mount Union in the top 24% in the nation and 11th in Ohio among institutions with the Best College Food.Student Life
Niche ranked Mount Union in the top 18% in the nation and 10th in Ohio among Colleges with Best Student Life.Residence Halls
Niche ranked Mount Union in the top 12% in the nation and 6th in Ohio among institutions with the Best College Dorms.Campus
Niche ranked Mount Union in the top 13% in the nation and 9th in Ohio among institutions with the Best College Campuses.
Background Check.orgMount Union has been ranked among the Safest Schools in Ohio, a listing produced by Background
Washington Monthly
在该出版物的2021年名单中,Mount Union被评为全国204所“最佳学生投票学院”之一.
Financial Health
《威尼斯人app下载》2017年对私立非营利性大学的财务状况进行了评估, Mount Union在资产负债表强度和运营健全性两大类的九项指标以及包括录取率在内的某些其他因素的基础上获得了B级, percent of freshmen receiving institutional grants, and instruction expenses per student.Grateful Graduates Index
在福布斯感恩毕业生指数中,Mount Union在全美排名第190位, which ranks private, not-for-profit colleges with more than 1,通过分析10年来每个学生的媒体私人捐赠和礼物.Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society
Mount Union因其支持转学生的动态途径而被Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)荣誉协会评为2020年和2021年转学荣誉名单.